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Projects Manager System Include

Main Windows applications

with your company's name and logo

Windows applications include a server program installed on the server machine and the main program through which the user can log in to complete the stages of the projects assigned to him, upload project files, and communicate with the rest of the team and clients.

 Web interface

with your company's logo and url

Projects Manager System include also web interface with your company url that displays the main activities of the company and allows company employees to log in to complete their tasks and follow up on their projects and upload and download files, and also allows company clients to log in to their page to follow up on their services and projects assigned to the company to accomplish them.

Smart Phones Support

Android & IOS Applications with your company's logo and name

Projects Manager System also provides your company with simple applications for mobile devices (android & ios) which allow the users and customers to display their tasks and projects and download projects files via their smart devices .

Try Projects Manager

 Use 'guest' for username & password

Windows App

Through it the Admin can add projects, users and clients, as well as assign tasks to employees, complete tasks, upload project files, chat & call.

Android App

Allow the users and customers to display their tasks and projects and download projects files via their smart devices .
Need Android 5 or High .


Allow the users and customers to display their tasks and projects and download projects files via their smart devices .
Need IOS 10 or High .

Web Interface

Allow the users and customers to display their tasks and projects and download projects files via their smart devices .
Need modern browser with java.

 Main Features

Some of Projects Manager System benefits

One Server

Consists of one primary computer with fairly good specifications that remains permanently connected to the Internet.. , We install the server at the company’s headquarters as the main cloud storage drive for all company files and communication server between all users devices .

Enhanced Commanications

Projects Manager provides instant Messaging and voice calls in the Windows application to enhance communication between the company's employees to accomplish tasks, as well as between the company and its customers.

Enhanced Organization

Projects Manager allows the administration to follow the company’s work and projects, moment by moment, know the activity of each employee and follow up on its work , Cloud connectivity and instant messaging allow tasks to be done more faster .

Zero maintenance & installation costs

We install the server at the company's headquarters and ensure that the program works without any errors with free immediate maintenance for a sufficient period and we also train company's Employees to start working on it .

Order Now

Order your own copy now of "Projects Manager System" by the name of your company and its logo , which specially modified to meet the requirements of your company and your clients.



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